Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 4: 20/21

さ (Casual よ)

Casual よ

Used only at the end of a sentence


Phrase + (1)

(1) さぁ、さあ、さー


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About さ - Casual よ

is a 感動詞(かんどうし) (interjection) in Japanese that has three primary uses. These are as follows:
(さそ)い、(うなが)し - To invite, incite, or draw attention to something.
(おどろ)き、当惑(とうわく)し - The express surprise, confusion, or bewilderment.
(はなし)(なが)(おさ)える - To control or keep in check the flow of a conversation.
In this lesson, we will be focusing on a specific feature of the first meaning (to draw attention). Unlike other types of drawing attention that is able to be used for (see this grammar point), this will only appear at the end of sentences. Here, is almost identical in meaning to that of よ, with a slight added nuance of high confidence in what one is saying.
  • 彼氏(かれし)もう(わたし)こと信用(しんよう)できないって
    My boyfriend told me that he can't trust me anymore. (Added confidence gives the nuance of 'can you believe it!')
  • インスタ()んだけど、キヨミの(あか)ちゃんが明日(あした)()まれるんだって
    I saw it on instagram, but I heard that Kiyomi is going to give birth tomorrow.
  • そんなこと心配(しんぱい)ない!(おれ)(まか)とけ!
    Such a thing is not necessary! Leave it to me! (Trust it to me in advance, so that it is not a problem later)
This is primarily used by men, and can vary in meaning depending on the speaker's tone of voice. However, in almost all situations will mean 'what I just said is correct' (sometimes angrily, sometimes informatively, and even sometimes in a completely carefree way).
  • (まえ)...
    You… (Are you freaking serious)
  • たかし(くん)()きたいって。どうしよう?(かれ)招待(しょうたい)する
    Takashi-kun said he wants to go too. What should we do? Should we invite him too?
  • そんな(おれ)だってできる()からないけど
    Although I am not certain, even I would be able to do something like that.
Women may also use as a sentence ender, but わよ tends to be more common.




    'I can finish this project by tomorrow. Really.' (emphasis; softer than よ)


    'I intend to play in the NBA.' (emphasis; softer than よ)


    A: 'It's cold. Soo cold.'
    B: 'This is nothing.' (emphasis; softer than よ)


    Classmate A: 'Hey, I heard that you are going out with Tomo-chan.'
    Classmate, Junichirou: 'That's not true.' (emphasis; softer than よ)


    'They say on tv that a typhoon is coming.' (emphasis; softer than よ)

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さ - Casual よ – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (2 in total)

  • DonChanHype


    There’s a great explanation of this on Tae Kim’s Guide here

    • 「な」 and 「さ」 sentence-ending particles
  • Pushindawood


    Thank you for the share! I have added this reading to the grammar point’s Reading page. Cheers!

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