Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 6: 3/16


I'm glad that


Verb[て]+ よかった
Verb[なくて](*) + よかった
Verb[ないで](**) + よかった

(*) Mostly found in literary/written language
(**) Mostly found in spoken language


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About てよかった

When (or when following ない) is paired with the past form of the い-Adjective, いい; てよかった, なくてよかった, or ないでよかった will have the meaning of 'I'm glad that (A)' (when positive), or 'I'm glad that I didn't (A)' (when negative).
  • やっぱり今日(きょう)()てよかった
    Actually, I'm glad that we came today, don't you think?
  • あの携帯(けいたい)()なくて()かった
    I'm glad that I didn't buy that cellphone.
  • あの(とき)(まえ)(わか)れない()かった
    I'm glad that we didn't break up that one time.
The primary difference between なくてよかった and ないでよかった in this expression, is that ないでよかった will be used far more frequently in casual speech. Comparatively, なくてよかった tends to be reserved for books, and may even be considered old-fashioned by some people.
  • 先輩(せんぱい)今日(きょう)会議(かいぎ)余計(よけい)こと()わなく()かったです
    Senpai, aren't you glad that you didn't say anything more at the meeting today? (A bit more formal, focuses on expressing reasons or results)
  • ()(ひと)(みんな)風邪(かぜ)()昨日(きのう)パーティー()ないでよかった
    Everyone that went caught a cold? I'm glad that I didn't go to last night's party! (A bit more casual, focus more on 'not doing' something)




    I am glad that I studied.


    I am glad that I didn't eat dessert today.


    I am glad that I made it in time for this bus.


    I'm glad that I did exercise today.


    I didn't think that I needed it, but I'm glad that I brought it.

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てよかった – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (15 in total)

  • RadicalC


    How about with Nouns and adverbs?
    Im glad its not/wasn’t noun/adjective.
    thank you

  • Fuga


    Hey there @RadicalC !

    With nouns and な-adjectives, you would use じゃない・ではない before this grammar point.

    For example if you wanted to say, ‘I’m glad this job is not dangerous’, you would say, この仕事は危険じゃなくてよかった, in Japanese.

    I hope this helps!

  • RadicalC


    Yea that’s what I surmised but on the page it doesn’t necessary mention Noun/adjective use so this is why I wondered.

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