Noun + を余儀なくされる
About を余儀なくされる
を余儀なくされる is a formal grammar pattern in Japanese that is usually translated as 'to be forced to (A)'. Its component parts are the adverbial particle を, the noun 余儀 'another method', the conjunctive form of the い-Adjective ない, なく, and the passive form of する, される. In this way, it literally means 'to not be given another way than to (A)'.
を余儀なくされる will be seen following an (A) noun, where (A) is the thing that is unavoidable.
In most cases, the subject of sentences that use を余儀なくされる will be a person, or something that is representative of people, such as a company. However, there are exceptions to this.
Both を余儀なくされる 'to be forced to do' and を余儀なくさせる 'to force to do' are variations of the same grammar structure. を余儀なくさせる will be taught in a different lesson.
Fun Fact
Despite 余儀 and ない being separate words, 余儀なく is often thought of simply as a single word that means 'unavoidably', or 'inevitably'.
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Due to the economic downturn, the company has been forced to close down.
Because of the approaching tsunami, outdoor concerts were forced to be canceled.
If the number of students decreases due to declining birth rates, many schools will be forced to close down.
Because of the intensified backlash from citizens, the government was forced to distribute relief subsidies.
As for the natural disaster victims whose homes were washed away as a result of the tsunami, they were forced to go about their daily lives at the evacuation site.
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を余儀なくされる – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (1 in total)
As far as I can see, all of the relevant fill-in review questions are marked as asking for the “causative-passive” form as a hint (specifically, the grey English written in the gap).
But the causative-passive form of する is させられる, not される.
I have repeatedly gotten confused by this, because I overcorrect, thinking I wrongly remembered this form and it should be using させられる。 But the grammar form seems to work only with passive, not causative-passive.
I have reported this as a bug on some lessons but never gotten any feedback for it.
Is there any reason that this can be seen as “causative-passive”? I get that the English translation “has the feeling” of causative, but unless the form なくされる is some special conjugation, the current hints should be changed, in my opinion.
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