Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 9: 4/16


Just finished doing, Was just doing

ところ can be contracted to とこ in casual conversations. In this use ところ means "stage/level/situation"


Verb[た](1) + ところ +

(1) Verb[ていた]


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About たところだ

In a similar way to how ところ (sometimes shortened to とこ) means 'about to (A)', or 'on the verge of (A)', when following the non-past form of a verb, when following the auxiliary verb た, ところ will mean 'just did (A)'.
To use this structure, make the past tense of any verb, and then add ところ.
  • (いま)先生(せんせい)()たところ
    I just asked the teacher.
  • 仕事(しごと)(いま)()わったところ。もうすぐ(かえ)
    I just finished work. So I'll head home soon.
While this expresses 'just did (A)', ていた may be used when you would like to express that you were 'just doing (A)'.
  • (やす)(たの)しんでいたところ上司(じょうし)から電話(でんわ)()
    I got a call from my boss just as I was enjoying my day off.
When the kanji form of (ところ) is used, it is often referring to an actual physical location, rather than a situation/standpoint. However, this is something that native speakers will sometimes mistake. Therefore, seeing the kanji form and the hiragana form are both relatively common.




    I just finished eating.


    My mom came into the room just as I was taking my clothes off.


    Friend meets a friend by accident: 'I was just thinking that I want to see you!'


    Just as I (had) entered the ticket gate, the train doors closed.


    Whenever I have just started studying, something gets in the way.

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たところだ – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (26 in total)

  • mrnoone


    @Munzu @Manab

    Hey! (Will add examples soon)

    Think of ところ as “stage” in which action is. You can liken it to a frame of a movie, for example,
    食べるところだ is a frame where you are about to eat, 食べているところだ is a frame when you are eating (have the meal in your mouth for example) and finally, 食べたところだ is a frame when you are finished (and the food is in the belly).

    When we have ところ covered we can think about the particles.

    When we have a sentence of Verb[ている]ところ PARTICLE + B type, which is usually used to say that something (B) happened when we were doing Verb[ている]the particle we choose will depend on the main verb in (B).

  • Munzu


    Thank you for the detailed explanation!

  • pasi


    Is 服()()いでいたところ に、()部屋()()ってきた intentionally listed under this grammar point rather than ているところだ (JLPT N4) | Bunpro – Japanese Grammar Explained this one?

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