Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 4: 3/18

つつもEven while ~ing, Even though ~ing, Despite ~ing, Although ~ing


Verb[stem]+ つつ(も)


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About つつ(も)

In addition to the base meaning of つつ 'while doing (A)' when used by itself, the addition of も simply adds the nuance of 'even'. This is often translated as 'even while doing (A), (B)', or 'although doing (A), (B)'. (B) will almost always be something that is somehow contradictory to (A).

Like つつ, つつも will appear after the ます-stem of a verb that is the original ongoing action.


Like つつ, つつも will usually include a non-physical action in (A), such as reading, listening, looking, thinking, etc. (B) may be either physical or non-physical. Also, in the same way as つつ is similar to ながら, つつも is similar to ながらも.

Despite the similarities, it will be important to remember that つつ only appears with verbs, while ながら can be used after almost any type of word.




    Despite becoming slanted, the Jenga tower somehow held out.


    Despite aiming up, he is swinging like he isn't even aiming.


    Despite (everyone) preparing well, the south pole expedition failed.


    Despite opening the garage door, I was still debating whether or not to go.


    Even though the ship was on the verge of sinking, it somehow made it to the harbor.

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