Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 3: 18/23


(Not) unless ~ cannot, (Not) until ~ cannot


Verb[て] + からでない + (Negative)
Verb[て] + からなければ + (Negative)


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About てからでないと

Constructed from the て-form of verbs, から 'from', で, ない, and と, てからでないと is a grammar pattern that expresses that 'unless (A), (B) will not happen', or 'until (A), you cannot (B)'. Due to this, the (B) part of sentences that use this grammar pattern will always be negative.
This structure simply indicates that (B) must come after (A). This could be in relation either to (A) and (B) being finished, or simply to (B) becoming possible after (A).
  • (すべ)ての書類(しょるい)(そろ)てからでないと(ほん)(もう)()みができません。
    You can't submit the actual application unless you have all the documents.
  • このアプリをインストールしてからでないと携帯(けいたい)()れた音楽(おんがく)()けません。
    You cannot listen to the music you put in your phone until you install this app.
Alternatively, the hypothetical ば form may be used instead of と. This will appear as てからでなければ.
  • 資格(しかく)をとってからでなければ面接(めんせつ)()けられません。
    Unless you get the qualification, you cannot be interviewed.
  • その(けん)については上司(じょうし)相談(そうだん)てからでなければ、ご回答(かいとう)できません。
    I will not be able to respond to you until I have discussed this matter with my supervisor.
てからでないと can be thought of as an extension of the base てから grammar pattern that expresses that (B) only happens after (A).




    In this IT corporation, you cannot become a senior developer until you (get) a master's degree.


    Until I become an adult, my parents won't allow me to drink alcohol.


    Child: 'Is it ok if I go out?' Parent: 'Not yet, not unless you tidy up your room...'


    Unless you turn off the power, you cannot unplug it.


    Unless you join (enter) the club, you cannot participate in the activities.

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てからでないと – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (3 in total)

  • dokidokiwakuwaku


    Would it be possible to get an explanation of how this grammar point differs from ないことには(~ない)? Thank you!

  • Scorzophyc


    The individual components of this grammar structure make sense to me except 「から」.

    What is the 「から」doing here?

  • nekoyama


    In てから, it means “after” (grammar point for てから).

    So, roughly, “if it’s not after doing…”

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