Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 9: 19/22


Be also, It also is


Noun + ある
[な]Adjective + ある


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About でもある

As an extension of the formal version of the auxiliary verb だ, である, でもある simply conveys that something 'is also (B)'. However, as も often shows something that is surprising or unexpected, でもある will primarily be used to describe additional facts about (A) that may be unexpected. Due to this, でもある usually fills the (B) role in sentences like 'while (A), it is also (B)', or 'in spite of (A), it is also (B)'.
でもある may be used after nouns, or な-Adjectives.
  • タナカさん英語(えいご)先生(せんせい)し、(やす)()(ふね)船長(せんちょう)でもあるから(やす)時間(じかん)ない
    While Tanaka-san is an English teacher, he is also the captain of a ship on his days off, so he doesn't have any time to rest.
  • これ洗濯機(せんたっき)でもあるけど同時(どうじ)乾燥機(かんそうき)でもある
    In spite of this being a washing machine, it is also a dryer.
  • バンジージャンプは(たの)しいけれども同時(どうじ)には危険(きけん)でもある
    In spite of bungee jumping being fun, it is also dangerous at times.
  • この機械(きかい)(おも)くて邪魔(じゃま)けど同時(どうじ)便利(べんり)でもある
    While this machine is heavy and a nuisance, it is also useful.




    Learning languages is fun. However, it is also a fight with oneself. (it also is)


    This car is a bit small, but it is also comfortable. (it also is)


    Australia is a country. It is also a continent. (it also is)


    'ずっと' means that something continues for a long time. It also means that there is a wide gap between things you are comparing, like in 'よりずっと速い'.


    Hybrid cars have a gasoline engine, but are also electric. (it also is)

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      でもある – Grammar Discussion

      Most Recent Replies (6 in total)

      • Johnathan-Weir


        If that’s the case, shouldn’t the 硬 symbol be on this grammar point?

      • Daru


        Part of literary style, not exclusively! That’s why it doesn’t have the 硬.

        I’ve heard Japanese people say でもある in conversation. A teacher once told me: ‘日本人でもある私にも意味が変わらない’ When reading Murakami. It made me laugh.

      • simias


        It’s very tangential but this point just now made me understand that だ is ultimately a contraction of である. である → であ → だ. Hence だった → でもあった. It’s obvious in hindsight but I don’t remember ever seeing it pointed out in the resources I’ve used.

        Mind blown.

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