Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 9: 7/23


Such as, Like, So much as


Noun + といっ + Noun


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About といった

といった is a fairly casual expression which indicates lists in the same way as structures like などの, or のような. Stemming from と, and the past-tense form of the う-Verb ()う, といった is often translated as '(B) such as (A)', or '(B) like (A)'.
といった will always be followed directly by a noun expressing the general group that (B) belongs to, with the literal translation being similar to '(B) that can be called (A)'.
といった will appear with nouns both in (A) and (B).
  • (わたし)(ちち)は、ゲートボールといったスポーツが()きだそうです。
    Apparently my father likes sports such as gateball.
  • あなたの(くに)ではおはぎといった和菓子(わがし)()られていますか?
    Are Japanese sweets such as ohagi sold in your country?
  • 旦那(だんな)洗濯(せんたく)料理(りょうり)といった家事(かじ)一切(いっさい)しません。
    My husband does not do any household chores such as laundry or cooking.
  • (わたし)生姜(しょうが)とかパクチーといった香味(こうみ)野菜(やさい)使(つか)った料理(りょうり)苦手(にがて)です。
    I am not a fan of food that uses pot-herbs such as ginger and cilantro.
As can be seen in the last two examples above, constructions such as や and とか may be used if there is more than one (B) that fits in the category of (A).




    Since you don't even have so much as a reason you cannot break your promise.


    My hobbies don't include things such as going to learn something on my days off.


    He is skilled at match-based games like Shogi and Poker. (such as)


    Let's stop fussing over things such as winning or losing.


    I think doing housework, such as cooking and washing, is a splendid job.

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といった – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (2 in total)

  • ljoekelsoey


    How is this different from という?

  • Fuga


    Hey @ljoekelsoey !

    という is often used with things that only have one meaning like names, knowledge/facts, and when you want an answer about something you don’t know. On the other hand, といった is used when there are multiple meanings/options, for example, when you want to list off some examples out of many others in a sentence.

    Since they have a slight different in nuance, they cannot be used interchangeably. For example, 彼は将棋やポーカーといった勝負ごとに強い。This sentence has the nuance that shogi and poker are some examples of match-based games that he is skilled at, but they aren’t the only ones he is skilled at. However, 彼は将棋やポーカーという勝負ごとに強い, has the nuance that he is only skilled at shogi and poker, but nothing else.

    We hope that this answers your question!

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