Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 1: 13/18

なくて (Reasons and Causes)Not ~ and, Not so, Because not (Examples)


Verb[なくて]+ Phrase
[い]Adjective[なくて]+ Phrase
[な]Adjective + ではなくて(1) + Phrase
Noun + ではなくて(1) + Phrase

(1) じゃなくて、でなくて


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About なくて

In Japanese, なくて is a construction that combines ない (in its conjugation form, なく), with the conjunction particle . This results in the same 'and' meaning as the standard form, but with the negative meaning of ない.

なくて is often used when the phrase that comes before it is being highlighted as an example/reason for a specific result. In these situations, the translation is usually 'because not (A), (B)', or 'because I didn't (A), (B)'.

When なくて is used in this way, it is often followed by the speaker's feelings (in the form of an adjective), verbs in the potential form, or something that is generally beyond the control of the speaker. It is due to this fact that the result is 'beyond control' that the translation becomes 'because'.

Some examples of words that express things beyond the control of the speaker are (こま)る (to be troubled), (うれ)しい (to be happy), (つか)れている (to feel weary), 心配(しんぱい) (to feel anxiety/worry), 安心(あんしん) (to feel relief).




    I was relieved because it wasn't a serious illness.


    'I am sorry because I cannot serve you anything but tea.'


    'I don't know if I passed the exam, and I am anxious.' ('I am anxious because I don't know if I passed the exam')


    'My grandchild hasn't come yet and I am worried.' ('I am worried because my grandchild hasn't come yet')


    My boyfriend doesn't like kittens and I was let down. (I was let down because my boyfriend doesn't like kittens)

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なくて – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (12 in total)

  • IcyIceBear


    I believe it’s potential form. When making ichidan る verbs into potential the “official” way is られる→寝られる able to sleep, but younger generations are just omitting the ら if the context is clear. So if you assume this is what the sentences are doing, the sentences make sense.
    I wasn’t able to sleep well yesterday and (because of it) I’m tired

  • domi650


    Thank you for the explanation, that’s probably how it is intended

  • MikkaT


    Hi, it is probably a bit nitpicky, but I think the structure part in the lesson should be like here in the forum.

    In the lesson it is

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