Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 6: 20/20


In order to, In regard to, For

は can be attached to に in all of its uses to express topic/contrast. When には follows a noun denoting person it means "for (someone as opposed to others)"


Verb +
Noun +


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About には

には is a common particle combination in Japanese that is used to express contrast in regard to the topic. As a function of the particles that combine to make には, に highlights that something is 'for (A)', while は emphasizes that a generalization or contrast is being made about (A).
Common translations for には include 'in order to', 'in regard to', or 'for'. This structure will appear following either verbs in their dictionary form, or nouns.
  • このホームセンターは会員制(かいいんせい)なので、()(もの)をするには会員(かいいん)登録(とうろく)必要(ひつよう)です。
    Since this home improvement store is only open to members, you will need to sign up in order to shop here.
  • 海外(かいがい)()にはパスポートが必要(ひつよう)です。
    You need a passport in order to travel abroad.
  • この(ほん)子供(こども)には(むずか)しすぎるだろう。
    This book is probably too difficult for children.
  • 通勤(つうきん)には(くるま)使(つか)わないでください。
    Please do not use your car for commuting.
Fun-fact - Despite having several different translations, には can almost always be thought of as simply meaning 'for', as に highlights that (A) is the 'target', while は shows that whatever happens in (B) is specific to (A), regardless of whatever might be true for another topic.




    'As for playing on the swings, my sister is still too small', said the boy. (In order to)


    In order to live by yourself in Japan, you should be able to speak Japanese.


    In order to give birth, endurance is necessary.


    In order to fix your weaknesses, it is necessary to first acknowledge those weaknesses.


    It takes time in order to make one's dream happen.

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には – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (8 in total)

  • mrnoone


    No problemo, happy to help

  • onekun


    How exactly is this different from のに? A lot of the example sentences look like には is interchangeable with のに.

  • Fuga


    Hey there @onekun !

    This might be a helpful discussion!

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