Verb[ない]+ ねばならない
する → せねばならない
About ねばならない
Unlike the standard ば form of hypothetical phrases, ねば makes use of the classical auxiliary verb ず in its ね form. However, the meaning is the same as the modern なければ 'if not (A)'. ねば connects to verbs in the same way as ない, and will then be followed by the negative form of なる 'to become', ならない.
Like なければならない, ねばならない will translate to 'must do (A)', or 'have to do (A)', and is simply a double negative that literally means 'if not (A), it won't be (B)'. This is a formal structure, and will mostly be found in literature.
As ね is a form of the literary auxiliary verb ず, the base of する will change to せねば, in the same way it changes to せず in other grammar patterns.
Sometimes ならない will be replaced with ならぬ. This has exactly the same meaning and just makes use of the ぬ attributive form of the same auxiliary verb, ず.
While not changing the meaning at all, the addition of ぬ will make the overall expression sound even more old-fashioned.
As with other 'must' double-negative structures, the second part of the ねばならない may sometimes be omitted, resulting in ねば or せねば appearing by itself. This is similar to the modern ないと appearing without いけない following it.
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ねばならない – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (5 in total)
Thank you for your reply. I will definitely add ねばならない to my JLPT2 review list.
Could I suggest that the tag-line be changed to read something along the lines of:
Rarely used in modern spoken Japanese; mostly used in literature
Maybe that would be more accurate based on the fact that it is used in modern books?
TBH tags like this could just all be replaced with “don’t use this yourself”. On bunpro, something like “rarely used” usually just means “rare in comparison to other things we learn for the JLPT”. But none of these grammar points are really obscure. Otherwise they wouldn’t appear on the JLPT. The main point to take away from these tags is that it’s not the most normal thing to say.
Thank you. I’ll keep this in mind as I continue studying.
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