Verb + べき + ではない
Verb + べき + じゃない
[い]Adjective + くある + べき + ではない
[い]Adjective + くある + べき + じゃない
[な]Adjective + である + べき + ではない
[な]Adjective + である + べき + じゃない
Noun + である + べき + ではない
Noun + である + べき + じゃない
Rare Kanji
About べきではない
As an extension of the auxiliary verb べき, that is partnered with verbs to convey 'ought to do (A)', べきではない (or べきじゃない) highlights the opposite, and means 'ought not to (A)', 'should not (A)', or 'must not (A)'. Just like べき, it is quite strong, and implies that doing (A) would be considered improper/incorrect.
べきではない (or べきじゃない) will be paired with the plain (non-past) form of a verb.
As with all other structures that use では, は may be omitted. However, as the presence of は strengthens the ない, the overall phrase will sound a little bit weaker without it.
Fun Fact
The combination of する and べき is a rare grammatical exception in Japanese, in which two forms are both considered equally correct. Due to this, either するべき, or すべき may be used.
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How to negate “べき”? (ie. “should not”)
How to use べき
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べきではない – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (4 in total)
@pampel Thank you for your question. While は can be omitted, less emphasis is placed on the negation with its absence, and answers with its inclusion (or じゃない) are generally more common in modern Japanese. I have included a note about this on the grammar page and have added でない to answers that throw hints/warnings rather than marking you wrong. Cheers!
One thing that has always confused me with this grammar point is why it’s べきではない instead of ないべきだ. To my English brain, it’s the latter that seems correct, as opposed to the former (“not obliged to” vs. “obliged to not”). I understand that it’s wrong, but I don’t understand why.
Anyone have any insights?
It’s actually super simple: べき is an auxiliary verb that comes from べし’s attributive form.
It sounds advanced, but it’s basically saying that it’s a verb that got turned into a noun-like word for better connection in the language. (And hence, why it’s negated as じゃない/ではない)With this in mind, it’s just a matter of the language being in order to function.
Verb + Auxiliary べき + Negation of the Auxiliary ではないYou can’t negate what you haven’t established for negation!
ないべきだ would translate as “Don’t must.”
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