Verb + べき + だ
Verb + べき + Noun
[い]Adjective + くある + べき + だ
[な]Adjective + である + べき + だ
Noun + である + べき + だ
する → す(る)べき
Rare Kanji
About べき
The auxiliary verb べき, being the attributive form of べし, is a structure in Japanese that is often paired with verbs to express that something 'ought to be done'. It implies some sort of moral obligation, or that (A) is the only reasonable course of action. This comes from the kanji 可き, which carries the meaning of being something 'permissible' (indicating that any other action would not be acceptable).
べき will be paired with the plain (non-past) form of a verb, before being followed by either だ, or another noun.
べき is also sometimes translated as 'must do (A)', or 'should do (A)' but it is important to remember that it will always have the nuance of being the only 'permissible' choice, and is therefore very strong.
It is important to note that the verb appearing with べき cannot be in past tense, and you will need to use だった or でした after べき, if you would like to say that something 'ought to have been done' in the past.
Fun Fact
In modern Japanese, there are only 18 auxiliary verbs, of which べき is not one. べし (the standard form) is considered to be a classical auxiliary verb. Due to this, べき (and べし) are often referred to as classical auxiliary verbs.
Fun Fact
The combination of する and べき is a rare grammatical exception in Japanese, in which two forms are both considered equally correct. Due to this, either するべき, or すべき may be used.
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Because we will talk about something important at tomorrow's meeting, everyone should attend.
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How to use べき
[AIAIJ] An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese
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Tae Kim's Japanese Grammar Guide
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べき – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (25 in total)
Say I have a 1000 piece puzzle. I give you 999 of them. When I give you this last piece, you will now have the complete puzzle. Your puzzle won’t be 全部 until I give you これ (the piece in my hand), making it the last piece.
I tried 🤷 tldr the sentence and translation both make sense
I agree with this. There is no actual word for “last”. It’s just implied it’s the last thing because they are finishing up teaching you.
Ok thank you, now it makes more sense
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