Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 6: 15/24

(けっ)して〜ないNever, By no means


(けっ)して + Verb[ない]
(けっ)して + [い]Adjective[ない]
(けっ)して + [な]Adjective + ではない(1)
(けっ)して + Noun + ではない(1)

(1) じゃない


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About 決して〜ない

(けっ)して by itself is the て form of the verb (けっ)する 'to determine'. However (けっ)して is special in that it is considered to be a stand-alone adverb. As an adverb, it carries the meaning of 'decidedly', or 'assuredly', and is used in sentences that contain ない, in order to convey 'never (A)', 'under no circumstances (A)' or 'by no means (A)'.

Like many other adverbs in Japanese, (けっ)して can appear at the beginning of a sentence, or directly before the word it is modifying (which will be in its ない form).

While the translation is 'never', the literal meaning of (けっ)して is 'decidedly not (A)', or 'assuredly not (A)', simply emphasizing the negative point within a sentence.


(けっ)して may also sometimes be paired with other structures that are not specifically negative, the primary example of this being ものか (a grammar point that we will learn about later). ものか strongly confirms a statement as being something that does not exist/will not be done.




    I will never forgive you if you lie to me.


    I will never give up, no matter what happens.


    He is a person that never compromises.


    That person never tells lies.


    I will never forget you.

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決して〜ない – Grammar Discussion