Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 2: 1/22

(Particle) + の

Combined particles


Noun + Particle(1) + + Noun

(1) からまで


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About Particle + の

In Japanese, many particles are often grouped together with the case marking particle の. The primary function of this is to form a link between noun (A), and noun (B). In each of these cases, noun (B) will be considered to have all of the qualities described by noun (A), and the first particle that follows it.
The particle that comes before の will always be something that adds some form of immediate information about noun (A). The most common ones are as follows:
    Noun (A) から の Noun (B) - The (B) that is 'from' (A).
  • これはアメリカからの土産(みやげ)です
    This is a souvenir from America.
Noun (A) と の Noun (B) - The (B) that is 'grouped with' (A).
  • (わか)れた(あと)(かれ)との関係(かんけい)はどうなるんだろう
    After breaking up with him, I wonder what our relationship would be like.
Noun (A) へ の Noun (B) - The (B) that is 'toward' (A).
  • 海外(かいがい)への手紙(てがみ)はこちらポスト()れください。
    Please put letters to be sent internationally into this mailbox.
Noun (A) で の Noun (B) - The (B) that 'done with' (A).
  • 環境(かんきょう)(わる)ので(くるま)での通勤(つうきん)(ひか)てください
    Because it is bad for the environment, please refrain from commuting by car.
Noun (A) まで の Noun (B) - The (B) that is 'until' (A).
  • 出発(しゅっぱつ)までの時間(じかん)(なに)します?
    What do you want to do until departure?
Because noun (A) is describing noun (B), noun (B) will be considered as the subject of the statement. Due to this, particles that usually mark subjects, topics, or objects of actions cannot be paired directly with の. This includes に, も, は, が, and .




    Let's go to the handshake event with A-chan!


    The rain that started from yesterday evening finally stopped! I can finally go meet up with my friends!


    Grandpa has been slowly forgetting his memories of Poland.


    He always writes messages that are filled with love towards her.


    The reason for the conflict up until now is not widely known.

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Particle + の – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (7 in total)

  • Pushindawood


    @cineebon Hey! It might be better to think of の as “the one that…” or a nominalizer like のは that is replacing some information that can be inferred through context. @nekoyama did a great job of breaking down the differences between the inclusion and omission of の in two sentences in the post above.

    Let’s take a closer look at the second sentence that appears on the grammar point’s page, 昨晩から雨はやっと止んだよ。 - “The rain that started from yesterday evening finally stopped.” If we were to omit の, the sentence would sound something like “Rain from yesterday evening has finally stopped.” The omission and the sentence’s translation both leave something to be desi...

  • Glaciem52


    Hello!! Why in this case we use の i understand へ but why i have to add の。 Not just へ

  • nekoyama


    It’s because this is the grammar point for particle + の

    In this sentence, the の makes the はやてさんへ modify the お世辞, so they become “compliments to Hayate”. And those are what Nagi is saying all the time. The English translation is structured differently, it looks like the “to Hayate” belongs ot the verb. A more literal translation (but worse English) could be “Nagi is always saying compliments that are addressed to Hayate”.

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