Grammar Info

N5 Lesson 10: 9/12

くれるTo give (me), To be given

For both くれる and あげる, に marks the recipient


Giver(*)(1) + Recipient(*) + Object(*)くれる

Recipient(*) + Giver(*)(1) + Object(*)くれる

Giver(*)(1) + Object(*) + Recipient(*)くれる

(*) Giver, Recipent and Object are Nouns


  • Part of Speech


  • Word Type

    Independent Word

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  • Rare Kanji


About くれる

くれる is generally taught as part of a set of 3 verbs that are regularly used for giving and receiving in Japanese. These verbs are くれる, あげる, and もらう. くれる means 'to give' (to you, or someone that is part of your 'in' group).

With くれる and あげる, they both function in the regular way you would expect (regarding particles). This means that will always mark the giver (the person performing the action), and will mark the recipient (the person that is the 'destination' of the thing that is given). This means that will be used to mark the 'object' that is given, as is usually the case.

The giver/recipient are often omitted from sentences with くれる, as one/both are usually obvious from context, or the sentence may be focussing on the object.

As can be seen here, the same nuance is kept, even when things are omitted.

Fun Fact

What someone considers their 'in' group will be different for each person, but usually consists of members of your family, clubs that you are in, or something similar that has a 'group' atmosphere (that you are a part of).

The giver will always be someone that is more distant than the people that are in the 'group'.

  • 近所(きんじょ)(ひと)旅行(りょこう)から(かえ)()(ちち)土産(みやげ)くれ
    When the neighbors return home from traveling, they give my father souvenirs.
  • 先生(せんせい)クラブ仲間(なかま)としこちゃん(はな)くれ
    The teacher gave flowers to my club member, Toshiko-chan.


When we want to say that we (or someone else) gave something to someone that is not in our 'in' group, we will need to use あげる instead.




    My mom gave me a cool pen. (I was given)


    My brother gave me a convenient box. (I was given)


    My grandpa gave me an old bicycle. (I was given)


    He gave me some cute shoes, so I am happy. (I was given)


    My friend gives my mom cookies every Saturday. (My mom is given)

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くれる – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (16 in total)

  • Bazza


    • 近所きんじょひと旅行りょこうからかえってて、ちちにお土産みやげをくれた。

    When the neighbors return home from traveling, they give my father souvenirs.

    That is one of the example sentences and its translation. I thought it was describing a one time event, because of the final くれた. The translation however says ‘give’ rather than ‘gave’, suggesting it is a habit.

    Could you confirm please?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Fuga


    Hey @Bazza !

    This seemed like an input error on our end so we have just fixed it!

  • Bazza


    Awesome - thanks for the quick work on that!

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