Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 3: 5/18

そう Look like, Appear, Seem, Have a feeling that

Do not confuse with そうだ (I heard that...).


Verb[stem]+ そう +
[い]Adjective[+ そう +
[な]Adjective + そう +

Verb[ない+ な + そう +
[い]Adjective [ない] + + そう +
[な]Adjective + では(1)ない + + そう +

いい → よ + そう + そう

(1) じゃ


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About そう

そうだ is one of the 18 primary auxiliary verbs in Japanese, and can be used in two (2) different ways. The broad meaning in each of its applications is that something 'seems' to be a certain way. Due to this, そう is regularly translated as 'seems like', 'looks like', or 'appears as though'.

In this lesson, we will focus on the form that is used with the conjunctive (stem) form of words. Please examine the structure guide to see these forms.


そう may also be used when attached to the い-Adjective, ない. In this case, there is a unique conjugation rule which we will need to be careful of. As always, い will be removed from ない before attaching そう. However, さ will be inserted between な, and そう. This creates the expression なさそう.

Note that this addition of さ does not happen with verbs. This is due to the ない that is used with negative verbs being an auxiliary verb, and not an い-Adjective. With the auxiliary verb ない, simply remove the い, before adding そう directly to the stem.


This そう is utilized exclusively to make predictions/guesses about something based on visual information. It is relatively low confidence, so should not be used for things that are obvious. In these cases, みたい would be used instead.




    It looks like it is going to snow.


    The job of being a teacher looks difficult.


    Today's homework looks easy.


    That food looks easy to eat.


    This textbook seems very difficult.

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