Verb[stem]+ そうもない
About そうもない
そうもない is an expression used with verbs in Japanese, to indicate that some particular action is very unlikely. It is a combination of the auxiliary verb そう, the adverbial particle も, and the い-Adjective ない.
To recap, one of the primary uses of そう is to highlight appearance. Therefore, そうもない literally means 'to not even appear like (A)'. This structure will be used after verbs in their conjunctive form.
そうもない is very similar to そうにない. The primary difference being that そうもない is stronger. This is due to も expressing something that is surprising (or for emphasis), while に simply marks a location (or state) within which something does or does not exist. The difference can be understood as follows:
(A) そうもない - To not even look like (A), where 'even' emphasizes (A).
(A) そうにない - To not be looking like (A), where 'be' marks where (A) is 'not' existing.
そうもない is an expression that is very commonly used with potential verbs, in order to convey that the 'possibility' of something cannot be observed. While this translates as 'to not appear as if (A) can be done', realistically it comes across quite strongly, similar to 'to not stand a chance of doing (A)'.
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It is very unlikely I will pass the test this time.
Since this table is so heavy, it's very unlikely that I'll be able to carry it by myself.
It is very unlikely that that person will listen to my opinion.
It's very unlikely that I will be able to perform such a cool trick.
The forecast predicted rain, but it doesn't appear that it will rain at all.
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そうもない vs. ようがない
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そうもない – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (2 in total)
Would I be correct to think that
Would mean “(It is obvious) I cannot eat all that take !”
Would mean that it is not a case of “being obvious from the start”, but that something is happening from which it seems I will not be able to eat all the cake (maybe I am showing signs of it even before finishing half of the cake)
はず is more of a prediction/estimate, like you’re contrasting your cake-eating experiences to the now hypothetical cake in front of you.
そうもない is just stating impossibility, and has a nuance of ‘giving up’ to it, like it’s so much of X that you can’t handle it.
So yeah, what you’re describing sounds right to me!
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