Grammar Info

N5 Lesson 1: 2/12

ですTo be, Is

Unlike だ, です is often used with both い-Adjectives and な-Adjectives


Noun + です
Adjective + です


  • Part of Speech

    Auxiliary Verb

  • Word Type

    Dependent Word

  • Register


About です

Similarly to , です is an auxiliary verb that is an expression of determination or assertion. It states that something 'is' a certain way. です is considered to be the polite variation of . Keep in mind though that although their roles are similar, both and です are standalone structures.

です connects to words in exactly the same way as , but is also regularly seen attached to the end of い-Adjectives.


Although です is regularly attached to the end of い-Adjectives, some may actually consider this incorrect Japanese, and it should not be used in formal writing. In daily spoken language/texting, however, it is completely normal.

The above example technically should not be used in formal writing. Despite this, in recent years, it is starting to become the norm.




    It is you.


    It is a pen.


    (I) am Sakura.


    (He/she) is a friend.


    It is hot.

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です – Grammar Discussion