Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 7: 18/21

とかI heard that… something like, They said ... or something


Verb +
[い]Adjective +
[な]Adjective +
Noun +


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About とか

Being a combination of the particles と and か, とか 'quotes' the previous statement as being something that has been heard, but is unconfirmed or uncertain. In English, this translates as 'I heard something like (A)', or '(A) or something was said'.

とか may appear after verbs, い-Adjectives, な-Adjectives, or nouns.

This meaning of 'or something' when using とか is fairly casual and will often be heard in everyday conversation.


This combination of と and か may appear the same as the とか used to indicate lists, but the former is simply a combination of the case-marking particle と, and the adverbial particle か, while the latter is a single listing particle. Despite this, both structures are originally combinations of と and か, and may be thought to have some overlap in meaning.




    I heard that Natto is good for your body or something like that.


    I heard that this dress conceals your physique or something like that.


      I heard that the music group called AKB48 is going to break up or something like that.


      I heard that color sunglasses are popular recently or something like that.


        Mom was saying that eating breakfast is important or something like that.

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