Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 4: 12/21


I heard that, He or She said that


Verb + んだって
[い]Adjective + んだって
[な]Adjective + + んだって
Noun + + んだって


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About んだって

When used at the end of sentences, だって often expresses something that has been heard by the speaker. This particular use of だって will always be paired with ん or なん.
As だって is a grouping of the auxiliary verb , and the adverbial particle って, なんだって primarily expresses the following:
なん - Presents an explanation.
だ - Determines something to be true.
って - An abbreviation of と()って 'is said' or と(おも)って 'is thought'.
In this way, it translates quite similarly to 'it is that (A) was said/thought'. Realistically though, it is used in the same way as 'I heard that (A)', or 'it's thought that (A)'.
  • サクラちゃん来年(らいねん)結婚(けっこん)するんだって。うらやましいね。
    I heard that Sakura-chan is going to get married next year. I am jealous, aren't you?
  • タケル(くん)(あたら)しいおもちゃ(ほし)しいんだって。どうしよう?()てあげる
    I heard that Takeru-kun is wanting a new toy. What should we do? Should we buy it for him?
  • あの博士(はかせ)(すご)(こと)()っているように聞こえるけど(じつ)()ていること全部(ぜんぶ)適当(てきとう)んだって
    It sounds like that scientist is saying some amazing stuff, but I heard that everything he says is hot air.
  • タクミさんはレスラーみたいな(からだ)しているけど()なスポーツはフィギュアスケートなんだって
    Takumi-san has a body like a wrestler, but I heard that his favorite sport is figure skating.
なんだって usually comes across as being quite casual, so is best used in conversations with friends.




    (Someone) said that Tom is back with his ex-girlfriend.


    (Someone) said that he will return to his hometown around next spring.


    (Someone) said that he is pretty serious.


    (Someone) said that person doesn't get it. No matter how many times you tell her/him.


    (They) said that (they) can finally travel. Because (they) saved up money.

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んだって – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (5 in total)

  • Anthropos888


    Thanks! Will try to remember that

  • grasper


    Can んだって always be replaced by のだって?

  • Fuga


    Hey @grasper !

    Technically yes, but since んだって is used in casual situations, replacing it with のだって, could make the sentence sound unnatural.

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