Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 6: 15/20


Even if (we assume), Assuming, Also as

Sometimes older speakers add だ for emphasis, creating としてもだ.


Verb + としても
[い]Adjective + としても
[な]Adjective + ()+ としても
Noun + ()+ としても


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About としても

としても is a structure used in Japanese for expressing thoughts about (A), assuming that it were what is being described. This may be translated as 'even if we assume that it's (A)', or 'assuming that (A)'. However, the literal translation is quite close to 'even going off that it were (A), (B)', as としても simply expresses that despite (A) not being true, the speaker is willing to say that it is for arguments sake, before giving their thoughts about that hypothetical situation.
としても will be seen following verbs and い-Adjectives, or nouns and な-Adjectives that are followed by だ.
  • たとえ(はや)くついたとしても一番乗(いちばんの)りになることはないだろう。
    Even if we get there early, that probably doesn't mean that we will be the first to get on.
  • あなたが()っている(こと)(ただ)しいとしても(わたし)賛成(さんせい)できません。
    Even if we assume that what you are saying is correct, I do not agree with it.
  • たとえ仕事(しごと)簡単(かんたん)としても仕事(しごと)丁寧(ていねい)にやるべきだ。
    Even if work is easy, work should be done with care.
  • 冗談(じょうだん)としても、そういうことは()わない(ほう)がいいと(おも)う。
    Even if that was a joke, I don't think that you should say something like that.
In some cases, としても just functions as an extension of として 'as', and can be interpreted as 'even as (A)'. This nuance primarily highlights people or organizations in the position of (A), and states that 'even for (A), it will still be (B)'. Unlike the previous nuance, this としても will only be used with nouns.
  • こんな(きゅう)内容(ないよう)()えられたら、(わたし)としても(こま)ります。
    It will even inconvenience me if you change the details so suddenly.
  • 環境(かんきょう)問題(もんだい)()()んでいる会社(かいしゃ)としてもこういうことをしたくないのですが、仕方(しかた)がないんです。
    As a company that works on environmental issues, we don't want to do this, but we really don't have a choice.




    I wouldn't do it even if I could.


    Even if it is a parable, I can't permit it.


    You can also sell it as a book for adults.


    Even if we assume that they were taught by a famous teacher, I have never seen someone progress so quickly.


    Even if we assume that the lost item was found, there is still the possibility that someone pocketed it.

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としても – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (3 in total)

  • onekun


    What’s the nuance between this and ても? Is this purely hypothetical or something?

    edit: yeah, I’m pretty sure that is the case. I think that the grammar page should state that so it’s more clear.

  • Fuga


    Hey @onekun !

    Yes, としても has a stronger nuance that something is hypothetical, and it is used when making assumptions.
    Although they have a very similar translation, they are not interchangeable because of the difference in the nuance.

    For example, たとえ出来るとしても、やらないだろう。has a stronger nuance that being able to ‘do it’ is hypothetical, compared to たとえ出来ても、やらないだろう。

    We hope that answers your question!

  • soundjona


    Hello !

    I’m a bit confused because the DBJG seems to say that と can’t be used to assume if (A) is true or not, に has to be used in those case.

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