Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 6: 19/24

たとえ〜てもEven if…is the case, Supposing that

Sometimes seen as「たとい」


たとえ + Verb[ても]
たとえ + [い]Adjective[ても]
たとえ + [な]Adjective + でも
たとえ + Noun + でも


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About たとえ〜ても

たとえ, coming from 仮令(たとえ), an adverb meaning 'supposing that', is a word in Japanese that is often used with ても (or でも), in order to present possible circumstances, and their contradictory and/or (usually) undesirable outcomes. たとえ is primarily seen at the beginning of a sentence, before some kind of possibility, comparison, or supposition will be stated.

たとえ tends to be used to present situations where 'even if (A) were true, (B) still may/may not happen'. This is called a 'contrastive' example. もし on the other hand tends to be used for examples in which (A) will directly result in (B). This is called a 'resultative' example.




    Even if it doesn't snow, I'm going snowboarding.


    I want to do the right thing, even if they laugh at me.


    Even if (I am) reprimanded, there are things that are non-negotiable.


    Even if you don't go, I will.


    There are times when you cannot laugh, even if you are happy.

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