Verb + とみえる
[い]Adjective + とみえる
[な]Adjective + (だ) + とみえる
Noun + (だ) + とみえる
About とみえる
とみえる (primarily written only in hiragana) is a phrase that combines the case marking particle と, with the る-Verb見える 'to appear', or 'to be visible'.
This use of the と particle in Japanese is called a result, and marks when (A) is something that has come to a conclusion, or can be concluded. In this way とみえる literally means 'from the way it appears, one can conclude that it's (A)'. However, this translates a bit more smoothly as 'it can be deduced that (A)', or 'it seems that (A)'.
This expression is always used directly after the phrase that it is drawing as a conclusion. However, nouns and な-Adjectives will require だ before とみえる.
While this phrase is conjecture (making a guess about something), it usually implies that the speaker has done some sort of research, or has some reason that led them to 'draw (A) as a conclusion'. Due to this, it appears reasonably confident.
Fun Fact
と always 'sums up' things. As a quotation, it sums up the phrase before it as either something that was said, or thought. As 一緒 'being together', it sums up groups of things that are existing/performing actions mutually. Lastly, as a result, it sums up causes, and then illustrates their effects.
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Those parents seem nice.
I went to their house, but it seemed that they weren't home.
It seems that he ran a marathon, he is breathing heavily.
Since he failed the test, one can conclude that he did not study.
It seemed that it was water, but it was lemon soda. (One can conclude that)
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とみえる – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (17 in total)
I’m a bit confused about the translation of the following example sentence for this grammar point.
“He is completely soaked. It can be deduced that he just got out of a pool.”
I don’t really understand why the order of the clauses is flipped in the translation like this. Based on the other examples, I assumed this would be roughly translated as
“It seems like he just got out of the pool, so/and he is completely soaked” or maybe
“It seems like he just got out of the pool, which explains why he is completely soaked”Are these also accurate translations, or is there something about flipping the order of the clauses that is closer to the Japanese meaning? Just want to make sure I’m not missing any subtleties here.
I don’t think the order absolutely needs to be flipped because we can do both orders in English.
A key point is that the second phrase is something the speaker has actually observed, and based on that, the speaker deduces what the first phrase says. The bunpro translation makes this very explicit but it’s not necessarily the most natural English.
Your translations on the other hand kind of miss this point. In particular the one with “so” even turns it around. I think something like “It seems like he just got out of the pool, because he’s completely soaked” would work better.
Not sure if helpful, but another approach is treat the first phrase as modifying the predicate (like an adverbial phrase). I.e. the first phrase describes the way in which the second phrase happens. The て form can have many meanings, but in some expressions it’s always used like this. For example if you see a を使って it will usually not mean “use X and do Y”. It’l...
I went to their house, but it seemed that they weren’t home.What tells me that the person is talking about themselves here? My translation would have been “He/she went to (their) house, but it seems that noone was at home.” (implying that later when the speaker looked/visited the house, noone was home).
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