Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 5: 4/17

ままに (As Desired)As (one likes, feels or pleases), Spur of the moment, Wherever one fancies, Spontaneously, On a whim


Verb[る]+ (が)+ まま(に)


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About まま(に)

Unlike the ままに that is partnered with passive structures like れる and られる 'to do as one is told', when paired with verbs in their standard forms, ままに means 'to do (A) as one wishes', or 'to do (A) on a whim'. ままに is a combination of the noun まま 'as is', and the case marking particle に.

ままに will follow verbs in their dictionary form.

In many cases, this use of ままに indicates that the speaker or doer is letting the action of (A) happen in whatever way is most natural, and is not making any particular effort to control the outcome. Due to this, there are only a limited number of verbs that are commonly used with ままに, and it is best not to attempt to use combinations that you have not come across before.

Some standard sequences are ()()くままに 'in whatever way my attention is inclined', (おも)うままに 'in whatever way I think up', (おも)いつくままに 'in whatever way I come up with', (あし)()くままに 'in whatever direction my feet are pointed', (おもむ)くままに 'in whatever way it proceeds', (ほっ)するままに 'in whatever way is desired', and (かぜ)()くままに 'in whatever way the wind blows'.




    I was biking where my feet took me and ended up in a park.


    Abstract painters choose shapes and colors as they please, without thinking deeply about them.


    A: 'Where is Jiraya?'
    B: 'Dunno. He went somewhere.'
    A: 'As always, he goes wherever the wind takes him.'


    Fubuki: 'What are you going to do after that?'
    Saitama: 'I will simply live freely, as I desire.'


    Mr. Morgan to Mr. Christian: 'It belongs to you, so feel free to handle it as you please.'

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