Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 5: 7/18


Therefore, Thus, As a result

だから can always take the place of したがって、but したがって cannot always take the place of だから


(Cause). したがっ + (Result)


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About したがって

When used as a conjunction, the う-Verb (したが)う 'to comply' in its て-form will indicate that something is 'following on from (A), (B)', or 'as a result of (A), (B)'. As (したが)う highlights something that 'obeys with (A)', this construction will only be used to show a logical conclusion that is caused by (A).
A typical pattern where (したが)って will be seen, is two sentences in which the first expresses a cause, and the second begins with (したが)って and then lists the logical result.
  • 現在(げんざい)東名(とうめい)高速(こうそく)名古屋(なごや)インターと岡崎(おかざき)インターの(あいだ)でリニューアル工事(こうじ)(おこな)われている。(したが)って、その区間(くかん)現在(げんざい)通行止(つうこうど)めとなっている。
    Renewal work is currently underway on the Tomei Expressway between the Nagoya Interchange and the Okazaki Interchange. Therefore, that section is currently closed.
  • 今年(ことし)去年(きょねん)より台風(たいふう)(おお)かったです。(したが)って今年(ことし)(こめ)値段(ねだん)去年(きょねん)より(たか)くなるでしょう。
    There were more typhoons this year than last year. Therefore, the price of rice this year will be higher than last year.
  • 会社(かいしゃ)ではインフルエンザが流行(はや)っている。(したが)って会議(かいぎ)(すべ)てオンラインで(おこな)われることになった。
    The flu is going around in my company. Therefore, it has been decided that all meetings are going to take place online.
This is a fairly formal grammar pattern, so is more likely to be encountered in more formal speech or writing.




    Copper, in spite of having many uses, is a metal with a relatively low output. Therefore, price per ton is extremely high.


    In this area, rain has been falling over a span of two weeks. Thus, there is a possibility of flooding.


    '______' and 'だから' both mean 'therefore' in English. As a result, both can take on the same role, however, there are exceptions. '______' can be rephrased into 'だから' in every case, but the reverse is not always true.


    There is too much difference in our opinions. Therefore, let's break the agreement.


    Pollution is increasing. Therefore, it has been decided that we will close the factory.

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