Verb + ものだから(1) + Phrase
[い]Adjective + ものだから(1) + Phrase
[な]Adjective + な + ものだから(1) + Phrase
Noun + な + ものだから(1) + Phrase
(1) もので、もんで、もんだから
About ものだから
ものだから is a strong phrase that is used when explaining something or giving an excuse for one's reasoning. This grammar structure can simply be thought of as an extension of から 'because', with the noun もの 'thing' having its usual role of emphasizing what is said before it. Common translations include 'because (A)', and 'the reason is (A)'.
ものだから may appear directly after verbs and い-Adjectives, or な-Adjectives and nouns that are followed with な.
Occasionally, ものだから will be abbreviated to もので, or もんで, without any change in the overall meaning. The change of だ to its conjunctive form で indicates that there is something coming after, despite the fact that what comes after may sometimes be omitted if it is obvious.
Although it is not a rule, ものだから will primarily be used when explaining one's actions, as a way of emphasizing that the situation of (A) specifically led to the speaker doing (B).
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Because I bought a house in the suburbs, the commute to work takes two hours.
Because I was stopped by the customs officer, I ended up being late.
Because it is something created by a novice, as expected, it broke right away.
Because I am bad at English, taking trips abroad isn't fun.
Because it is painted black with ink, I don't know what was written.
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〜ものだから 〜もの What are the differences?
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〜ものだから・もので VS 〜あまり
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ものだから vs. ことだから
Riki Nihongo Dayo [video]
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