Grammar Info

N5 Lesson 4: 8/13

う-Verb (Past)う - Verbs (Past tense)


(すわ) + った
(うた) + った
() + った

(ある) + いた
(およ) + いだ

() + んだ
() + んだ
(やす) + んだ

(はな) + した

()く → ()った
()う → ()うた
()う → ()うた


  • Part of Speech


  • Word Type

    Auxiliary Verb

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About う-Verb (Past)

To make the past form of a う-Verb in Japanese, just like all other conjugations of う-Verbs, you will need to change the last kana, before adding the auxiliary verb た (casual), or ました (polite). This change in kana is a bit different to other conjugations of う-Verbs, so let's take a look at them for the casual form.

As can be seen in these examples, the changes consist of った, いた, いだ, んだ, した (the same as the changes for て form, but using た instead). For the conjugations using だ in place of た, this is simply a sound change in the language that happened over the course of history, to make words easier/smoother to say. It is not the auxiliary verb .

For the polite past form of う-Verbs, the change in sound is far more consistent. This only requires a change from the う sound, to the い sound within the same column (from う to い, or from く to き, for example).

When た is added to verbs (or any other word), it can have one of three possible meanings.

Past: 過去(かこ) - Happened at some point in the past. (Did/Was)

Completion: 完了(かんりょう) - An action that has finished 'happening'. (Done)

Continuation: 存続(そんぞく) - A new state of something that is continuing. (Has been done)


With う-Verbs, there are a few verbs that are exceptions to the regular conjugation rules. Please check the structure guide for these.




    I read a book yesterday.


    I drank milk.


    I flew to London.


    Our team won!


    Mary returned to Japan.

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う-Verb (Past) – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (21 in total)

  • Sammy49


    Seeing as this lesson doesn’t seem to have undergone any further change, just wanted to say that the same goes for me. This is the one grammar point I’m really stuck on. Splitting it into multiple lessons would be amazing!

  • Vstig


    Agree this is too much for a single SRS card

  • UltraKirby123


    Has anyone come up with a good way to remember all the different structures? I feel like this shouldn’t be that hard, but it’s the fact that all of the structures are thrown at you at once that it makes it hard to memorize which one to use.

    I really do feel like this topic should be broken up into three or four distinct SRS cards/lessons.
    One for った
    One for いた
    One for んだ
    And maybe even one for the exceptions.

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