Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 8: 10/18


Whether or not, If...or not


Verb + + どう + + Phrase
[い]Adjective + + どう + + Phrase
[な]Adjective + + どう + + Phrase
Noun + + どう + + Phrase


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About かどうか

かどうか is an expression in Japanese which combines the 'or' meaning of , with the 'how' meaning of どう. (A) かどうか (B) is regularly translated as 'whether or not (A), (B)'.
To use かどうか, simply attach it to the end of any phrase that you want to express the 'or' use of about, then add the (B) phrase.
  • サチコ()()かどうか()からない
    I don't know whether or not I will go out with Sachiko.
  • (みず)(きたな)からこの(かわ)(ふか)かどうか()からない。
    Since the water is dirty, I don't know whether or not this river is deep.
  • この携帯(けいたい)便利(べんり)かどうか()からない
    I don't know whether or not this cell phone is useful.
  • ()(わる)からあそこにいるのが父親(ちちおや)かどうかわからない
    Because I have bad eyes, I don't know whether or not the person over there is my father.
Although 'whether or not' is the standard translation, the more literal translation of かどうか is 'if it's (A), or however it is, (B)'.




    I don't know whether or not I can go on a trip.


    Because I don't know whether or not it is delicious, I want to try eating this food.


    People are searching for whether or not Santa exists.


    I don't know whether or not I still can go to Japan.


    I don't know whether or not the animal I just saw was a dog, but it was frightening.

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      かどうか – Grammar Discussion

      Most Recent Replies (4 in total)

      • Pushindawood


        @DonChanHype Done! Thanks for drawing this to our attention. Cheers!

      • Isurandil492


        Considering this example sentence:


        What tells me that the まだ connects with 分からない and not 行ける?

        How would I express “I don’t know whether I can still go to Japan.”?

      • mrnoone


        Hey @Isurandil492 !

        To be honest, without context


        can be understood as both
        “I don’t know whether I can still go to Japan.” and " I still don’t know whether or not I can go to Japan."

        If one wants to be clear then we can move まだ and add some pauses:

        " I still don’t know whether or not I can go to Japan."

        I don’t know whether I can still go to Japan.

        I hope it helps,

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