Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 5: 5/22


Whether ~ or not


Verb[ても](A) + Verb[なくても](A)


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About ~ても~なくても

Like かどうか, another way that Japanese conveys 'whether or not' is through the use of ~ても~なくても. This grammar structure literally means 'even if (A), even if not (A)', to show that whatever the result is will not change, regardless of (A).
~ても~なくても is used primarily with verbs, and will always have the same verb appearing both before ても and なくても.
  • あの(ひと)いてもいなくても仕事(しごと)(りょう)()らないから(くび)してもいい(おも)
    Whether or not he is here doesn't change the workload, so I think it would be good if we fired him.
  • (わたし)運動(うんどう)しても運動(うんどう)なくても()せられないからもう運動(うんどう)はしない
    Regardless of whether or not I exercise, I can't lose weight, so I will not exercise anymore.
  • ここ居酒屋(いざかや)ではビール(たの)んでも(たの)なくても、ビール()てくる
    Regardless of whether you order beer or not, they will bring you one at this izakaya.





    Whether you pass the exam or not, you will still be better off if you studied for it.


    Whether I get this credit or not, I will still have the necessary credits to graduate.


    Whether you get to be in charge or not, I support you.


    It doesn't matter whether you buy it or not, why don't you take a look?


    I heard fishing is fun whether you are able to catch any fish or not.

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~ても~なくても – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (4 in total)

  • Fuga


    Hey @lisaki8 !

    The reason that 持つ is in the ている form is because お金を持っている is a phrase that means ‘to have money (to be in the state of possessing money)’. If 持つ were to be used here, it will change the nuance to, ‘to hold money (to physically hold money)’, and would make the whole sentence sound a bit unnatural.

    We hope that this answers your question!

  • lisaki8


    Got it. Thank you so much! It’s really helpful to know the difference between ‘having money’ and ‘holding money.’

  • CroAniki


    Glad someone else had the same question, I was losing my mind trying to understand why my " ても なくても" conjugation of “持つ” wasn’t getting accepted as correct.

    Perhaps it could be handy to have the verb in parentheses be “(持っている)” rather than “(持つ)” for those not aware of the phrase/difference.

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