Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 5: 2/22


Accordingly, Now, Therefore, To that end


(Situation) Phrase。そこ + (Solution) Phrase


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About そこで

そこで (very rarely seen as 其処(そこ)で) is a combination of そこ 'there', and the case marking particle . It is often translated as 'to that end', or 'accordingly'. Literally, it just means 'at that place', with 's use as 'with' or 'by' highlighting that something will be done there ('there' often being a situation). This phrase behaves very similarly to 'as such' in English.
Usually, a first sentence will highlight what the 'situation' is, before そこで goes on to explain how that situation was or will be resolved.
  • (かれ)(あめ)(なか)(かさ)なしで()ているそこで(わたし)(くるま)から()(かれ)(わたし)(かさ)あげた。
    He is standing in the rain without an umbrella. As such, I got out of the car and gave him mine.
  • 彼女(かのじょ)結婚(けっこん)することにしたそこで彼女(かのじょ)(おや)実家(じっか)()挨拶(あいさつ)すること()めた。
    I have decided to marry my girlfriend. To that end, I have decided to go to her parents' place to talk to them.
  • うち泥棒(どろぼう)3(かい)(はい)ているそこで防犯(ぼうはん)ガラス()ことにした
    Our house has been burgled 3 times already. As such, I have decided to buy an anti-theft window.
As implies the 'use' of something, this expression should only highlight actions that are controllable.
  • 信号(しんごう)(あか)なったのでブレーキかけた。そこで(うしろ)(くるま)(わたし)(くるま)ぶつけられた。
    Because the traffic turned red, I stepped on the breaks. As such, the car behind me crashed into me. (Unnatural Japanese)
  • 子供(こども)()(はじ)めた。そこで子供(こども)(あめ)あげて()()かせた。
    My kid started to cry. As such, I gave them some candy to calm them down.




    I love her. Accordingly, I decided to ask her to marry me.


    I plan to be the top scorer on the test. Therefore, I decided to slightly increase the amount of time I study.


    The weather forecast said that a storm is approaching. Accordingly, I decided to put my potted plants inside.


    I found out there was a limit to this method. Accordingly, we decided to try another one.


    This luggage is heavy. Therefore, I decided to get my friends to help.

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そこで – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (2 in total)

  • darkness_rising


    The link sends me here:
    I think it may be broken.

  • Pushindawood


    @darkness_rising Thank you for letting me know so that I could update the link. Cheers!

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