Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 1: 18/22

するとHaving done..., done..., (And/just) then, Thereupon, If so


Phrase。する + (Result) Phrase


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About すると

すると, a combination of する and the conjunction particle と, is generally considered to be an abbreviation of そうすると, and means that 'once (A) is done, (B)', or 'upon (A), (B)'. すると is usually used at the beginning of a new sentence, to highlight something that occurred due to the circumstances mentioned in the previous sentence/statement.

As a standalone statement, すると is classified as a conjunction.


The 'result' that すると conveys, should always be one of two specific things. Something that the speaker has no control over, or a conclusion/determination that the speaker wants to confirm is correct (based on their understanding of the previous statement).

When すると is used to draw a conclusion about another person's statement, the translation is closer to 'so you mean to say (A)', or 'if so, then (A)'.




    I whistled. Having done that, a small bird came.


    I closed my eyes. And then I fell asleep immediately.


    I went fishing on the river. And then I met an old friend there. What a coincidence!


    My cousin was drawing a picture. And then my younger brother, imitating him, started to draw too.


    A: 'I was born in XX year.'
    B: 'Then, you are old enough to drive, right?'

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