Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 8: 19/23

ずにWithout doing

に can be omitted


Verb[ない+ ず(に)

する → ず(に)


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About ずに

Although it is not considered to be one of the primary 18 auxiliary verbs that are used in modern Japanese, ず is a classical auxiliary verb that has the same role as ぬ, and ない. This role is negating the verb that it is attached to. ずに is simply the addition of the case marking particle に to ず. Together, they mean 'without doing', in a similar way to ないで.

To use ずに, attach it to the indeterminate form of the verb that you wish to express as 'without doing (A)'. This is the same form used with ない.

ずに is quite a bit more formal than ないで, but still frequently used in modern Japanese. Especially as part of set phrases, like ずにすむ (which we will learn about in another lesson).


When used with a する verb, する will become せずに, not しずに. Both せ and し are indeterminate forms of する. し, the more common form that is used in east Japan appears with ない.




    Thank you for notifying me (without forgetting).


    Sorry for saying those things without knowing the full story.


    It might not be possible to live without worrying.


    I bought it without checking the price and now I am in a bind.


    He left for work without eating breakfast.

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