Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 5: 17/22


Not only but also, Let alone, Not to mention, Of course


Noun (A) + もちろん + Noun (B) + (1)

(1) さえ


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About はもちろん

はもちろん, or occasionally は勿論(もちろん), is a phrase in Japanese that presents (A) as being something obvious, while (B) should still be considered/mentioned. In this expression, the adverbial particle は presents (A) as being a stand-alone topic, before the adverb もちろん 'naturally' emphasizes that (A) is what it is. After this, the (B) part of the sentence will describe some other factor that is worth mentioning.
はもちろん will be used directly after noun (A), before the sentence will go on to discuss noun (B). This construction can be translated as 'not only (A), but (B)', 'not to mention (A), (B)', and other similar English expressions.
  • パソコンことはもちろん電化(でんか)製品(せいひん)(こと)ならなんでも()てください
    Please ask me anything, not only about computers but also other electronics.
  • 数学(すうがく)はもちろん学校(がっこう)科目(かもく)(すべて)一人(ひとり)(おし)えることができる(ひと)(さが)ている
    We are looking for someone not only who can teach math, but every subject in this school by themselves.
In many cases, despite (A) being the obvious factor, (B) is being highlighted as sharing similar qualities to (A). This means that in はもちろん sentences, も will almost always be seen after (B).
  • 彼女(かのじょ)日本語(にほんご)はもちろん韓国(かんこく)()(はな)ことができます
    Not only can she speak Japanese, but she can also speak Korean.
  • この作家(さっか)(ほん)はもちろん(うた)もうまいから人気(にんき)がある
    This author is popular, not only because of his book, but also because he is a good singer.
While quite similar in meaning to だけでなく, はもちろん is quite a bit more formal. Due to this, it may sound quite stiff in friendly conversation, unless particularly emphasizing something.




    I will not only handle the chairs, but also all of the furniture.


    On modern TVs you can not only watch movies but you can also surf the internet.


    In that high-class car, not only are the seats and the windshield heated, but also the side mirrors.


    This soba restaurant not only has delicious soba, but also delicious curry.


    He is not only able to speak in English, but also in Japanese.

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はもちろん – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (3 in total)

  • kaiwin-sulli


  • ljoekelsoey


    I’m having trouble distinguishing between はもちろん and ばかりでなく. Are the interchangeable?

  • mrnoone



    Those expressions are mostly interchangeable. Notice the differences in conjugation though!
    はもちろん can only follow nouns (of course it can also follow verbs/adjectives nominalized with こと、but not directly).

    ばかりでなく can follow nouns, verbs, adjectives directly, without nominalizers. (remember to add な if it follows なadjective though)

    Another thing is that はもちろん is more indirect. That is, “not only, but also” is implied. ばかりでなく on the other hand simply means “not only but also”.

    I hope it helps,

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