Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 5: 17/18


Not only... but also, Let alone, Of course,


Noun + もとより + Phrase
Verb + こと(1) + もとより + Phrase



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About はもとより

(もと)より, commonly seen purely in hiragana, is a grammar pattern that indicates 'not only (A), but also (B) ', or 'let alone (A), (B)'. This construction is just a combination of は, the noun (もと) 'origin', and より. In this way, it is just highlighting that 'even compared to the original fact of (A), (B)'. Often, (A) will be something that is considered obvious, or the most well known information in regard to the topic.
はもとより may appear after nouns, or verb phrases that have been nominalized with の or こと.
  • この商店街(しょうてんがい)地元(じもと)(ひと)はもとより全国(ぜんこく)からの観光客(かんこうきゃく)(にぎ)わっています。
    This arcade is crowded with not only locals, but also tourists from all over the country.
  • 最近(さいきん)(くるま)自動(じどう)運転(うんてん)ができるのはもとより自動(じどう)駐車(ちゅうしゃ)もできるそうだ。
    They say that modern cars can not only drive automatically, but also park automatically.
  • この学校(がっっこう)では日本語(にほんご)上手(じょうず)になることはもとより日本(にほん)でのマナーや文化(ぶんか)理解(りかい)できる授業(じゅぎょう)(おこな)われています。
    The school offers classes that not only help students become proficient in Japanese, but also give them an understanding of Japanese manners and culture.
Alternatively, はもとより may be used in structures where it is simply showing that (A) is the base from which (B) is also a fact. Although this may sound similar to the previous meaning, it translates closer to 'from the start, (A) is (B)', or 'by nature, (A) is (B)'. Which meaning is being used will usually be clear in the context of the overall sentence.
  • このテストはもとより合格(ごうかく)できるとは(おも)っていなかった。
    I did not think that I could pass this test from the start.
  • (おや)自分(じぶん)子供(こども)(まも)るのはもとより(なに)不自由(ふじゆう)ない生活(せいかつ)をしてほしいに(ちが)いない。
    By nature, parents want to protect their children and want them to live a comfortable life.
  • 失敗(しっぱい)をすることはもとより覚悟(かくご)をしていたので、そんなに(くや)しくない。
    I was prepared for failure, from the start, so I'm not that disappointed.




    Leonardo da Vinci is not only a great painter, but is also among one of the top inventors.


    When crossing a desert, not only can extreme heat and dehydration be dangerous, but also sudden floods. According to Wikipedia, there are more people who die from drowning than dehydration.


    The operating system known as Linux is not only often used on servers, but also seems to be popular on desktops.


    The twig tea manufactured in our company is not only sold all over Japan, but also abroad.


    Recently, not only computers and smartphones, but even toothbrushes are equipped with wifi.

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はもとより – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (7 in total)

  • wrt7MameLZE33wlmpCAV


    Thanks again for your reply!

    That definitely fits the sense of the example sentence better. You’re right, I was getting stuck on the words “same logic,” but I might suggest those are the wrong words, based on what you’ve provided. “‘Same feeling’ or ‘similar manner’ or ‘in the same way,’” appear to better fit the example sentence. The thing is, those are largely subjective (perhaps except for “similar manner”), whereas “same logic” is mostly objective.

    Is it the case this grammar point is used for both objective and subjective inferences? I ask because the distinction is emphasized in other grammar points, whereas it’s not entirely clear for this one.

  • FredKore


    Err… You’ve reached the extent of my knowledge.
    @mrnoone Would you care to weigh in on this discussion?

  • wrt7MameLZE33wlmpCAV


    Ha, no worries! I appreciate the helpful feedback thus far.

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