Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 6: 2/24


Rather, Instead, Over


むしろ + (Preferred Choice) Phrase


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About むしろ

When a speaker is making a determination about something in Japanese, the adverb むしろ is often used to express a more accurate depiction of what has already been said. This is regularly translated as 'rather', or 'instead'.

むしろ will mostly appear at the beginning of new sentences, or the beginning of a second clause within a sentence, before information about (A) will be clarified.

As むしろ seeks to give a more accurate description about something, it will often be paired with grammar patterns such as より, to show where the comparison is being made.

Fun Fact

むしろ comes from the kanji (むし)ろ, literally meaning 'preferable'. This is the same kanji that appears in the word 丁寧(ていねい), meaning 'polite' (sometimes also translated as 'careful'). The grammar structure むしろ itself may even be translated as 'preferably', simply expressing that careful consideration has been given to describing something accurately.

  • むしろ、そっち(あやま)てほしいよ。
    Preferably, I want you to apologize. (Rather than me, it would be better if you apologized)
  • むしろ先生(せんせい)()てみ(ほう)がいいんじゃない
    Preferably, wouldn't it be better to ask the teacher? (The teacher will give a much more preferable answer than me)




    I prefer the countryside over the city.


    Rather than a lively person as a friend, a silent person is better.


    Instead of bad-mouthing together, you both should be the ones getting insulted.


    Rather than saying that the trip was exciting, I would say that it was tiring.


    Rather than going to Korea, I'd go to Japan.

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      むしろ – Grammar Discussion

      Most Recent Replies (4 in total)

      • s1212z


        無口 is a ‘na’ adjective. If i had to guess, I think this is the noun くらい (位) for ranking or standing (in this case, ‘kind/grade’ of person)

        I think you are right on the second one, that sounds weird! I remember thinking the same thing when I came across it.

        I believe this is the ないと grammar point whi...

      • eefara


        Of course! That makes so much more sense, haha. I didn’t even think to check to see if 無口 could act as a な-adj.

      • Thehipeey


        On the last example text of the grammer point, is the double より intended?


        Apologies if this is the incorrect place to ask.

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